3 Surefire Ways to Increase Body Confidence

Every woman wants to walk into a room feeling like they are that chick. You know the one who everyone stares at because she is just so bomb. The one with the thousand watt smile and enough curves to make a Coke bottle jealous. But if you are like me most days you feel more like the woman by the buffet table grabbing an extra cheese puff than the belle of the ball. You may have one too many back rolls and hair that sometimes has a mind of its own. For a long time, I struggled with loving the woman in the mirror. In a society where slender figures and bone straight hair are considered “high fashion” and beautiful, I fought with my reflection when it refused to fall in line with these standards. Whether it was skipping out on my high school classmates’ pool parties because I was afraid of being seen in a swimsuit or refusing to try on clothes at the mall out of fear that nothing would fit, my middle school and high school years were plagued with low self-esteem and low body confidence. To compensate, I threw myself into my academics. While I may not have been the prettiest girl, I could definitely be the smartest.

Now don’t get me wrong. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with studying hard. But my hope is that by sharing my own struggles with low self-esteem and the 3 tips below you’ll start to make your own strides to an improved self-image. My contentment with my body didn’t happen overnight, it was the result of YEARS of intentional personal work. And to be totally honest, it fluctuates from day to day. But now when I walk into a room, I’m not looking towards the door waiting for THAT CHICK to show up. In my mind, I AM that chick, back rolls and all!

  1. Affirm Yourself

This step is the very first change I made when attempting to improve my body confidence. My freshman year of college I’d had enough. I was tired of hating my body. It’s actually really exhausting. So I made a decision to start using positive affirmations to change how I thought about my body. Tell yourself every day that you love what you see in the mirror. Remind yourself why you are special. Even if you have to make stuff up, in the beginning, DO IT! We have to fake it until we make it.

  1. Aim to be healthy, not skinny

As much as you hate to hear it, you may never be a size two. We can’t forget that a large part of our outer appearance is dictated by this uncontrollable factor called genetics. Your family history plays a big role in your body composition. For example, my body composition is similar to my paternal grandmother’s side of the family. Almost everyone has a curvy figure. That means that no matter how much I work out the chances of me looking like a Victoria Secret swimsuit model are slim. But that’s ok. When I workout now, it’s not with the goal of being skinny but being healthy. I workout to live a long life and keep my body in its best physical shape. Make sure you are getting in the suggested 30 minutes of physical activity every day.

  1. Find a support system.
Ok, let’s be real sis. If your friends make you feel horrible about the way you look, then you need to drop them now. Now I don’t mean the fun jokes we make with our girls about a particular shirt or hairstyle. I mean if your friends routinely call attention to your insecurities, they need to go. You cannot improve your body confidence when you are surrounded by people who benefit from your low self-esteem. This tip actually reminds me of a movie called the D.U.F.F. In the film, one of the girls realizes that she is a D.U.F.F.- the designated ugly fat friend. I don’t care how low your self-esteem is you SHOULD NOT be friends with anyone who critiques your appearance and makes you feel like a D.U.F.F. Tell your friends about your new journey to self-acceptance and body confidence. If your girls are supportive and offer themselves up as accountability partners, keep them. But if they laugh in your face and say “why? you’ll never be skinny anyway” do me a favor and drop them as friends before I have to come through this screen and punch them in the face. With kindness of course!

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 Photography// MIRIAM BRIBIESCA for Mia Brumfield


  1. Jameelah
    September 12, 2017 / 8:25 pm

    This was a great read!!!!! Totally agree with all your points. Self love is certainly a journey.

    • miaabrumfield@gmail.com
      September 12, 2017 / 9:45 pm

      It really is! And everyone’s journey is different. Glad you enjoyed it Meelah!